Sunday, April 26, 2009

Respect your Nail Professional's time.

Most people aren't aware that if a Nail Tech doesn't have anyone in her chair, she doesn't get paid. If you have an appointment and you are not able to make it, you should give your tech as much notice as you can. Life throws you curves, we understand that, but there are just some people that just don't show up. We reserve the right to not book those people again.

Some clients are chronic reschedulers. They take up space in your book and constantly move their appointments, often leaving you with gaps that can never be filled. They then end up with appointments that are weeks after they should have had one and can't understand why their nails are a mess. We reserve the right to not rebook chronic reschedulers.

Please be on time. If you are late, it can throw the whole day off. Should the clients after you, who are on time, have to wait? If you are more than 15 minutes late, you appointment may be rescheduled or you may not receive a full service. We reserve the right to cancel standing appointments with people who are consistently late.

On the other side of this, don't come too early. If you are coming more than 10 minutes before your appointment, you are too early. Many techs schedule breaks throughout their day. If you come early, you may end up sitting, watching phone calls being made or lunch being eaten.

Please inform your technician, well in advance, if your appointment is going to involve something different than what you had scheduled. If you show up with your full set picked or chewed off, depending on the damage you've caused to your nails, you may not be able to get another set. You may have to settle for a manicure, which requires less time.

Basic common courtesy is the key. Ninety nice percent of clients have it, it's the other one percent that throws a professional's schedule all off.

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